Malaysia has two States in the East which is separated by the main land Malaysia (which is called West Malaysia ) by Sea and takes around two and half hours by flight to reach there. These two states are Sabha and Sarawak and are in Borneo Island. These two are big states of Malaysia and have unspoilt equotorial tropical forest.
I had visited Kuching which is the capital of Sarawak two years back with my hubby and was lucky to see the biggest flower in the world 'Raffelasia' . We had to travel to interior forest and climb for half an hour to see the flower. The flowering is monitared by the forst department. The flower takes 8 months to bloom and it stays as bloomed flower for just two days. We were lucky that a flower was blooming the day we went.
Now this time we all went to the other state Sabha. The capital is Kota kinabalu. I found Kuching much more cleaner but, Kota kinabalu attaracts more tourists as there are many tourist attractions , like water rafting, scuba diving and mountain climbing etc. It has one of the highest mount of south east asia 'mount kinabalu'.
Anu and Anand went for rafting and I was told it was level 4 which means the rapids were quite rough. I had thought it was level 2. But they did enjoy it and said it was an experience. Anu said whether she would like to get the experience once more is questionable.
Next day Vinu also joined and they all went to the Kinabalu park for climbing . It is compulsory that climbers take a guide and they fixed up all this with a local tourist agent. They climbed to the height of 3300 metres the previous day and stayed over night in the camp site there. Next day early morning Anand and Vinu did the summit which is 4095 metres high. They climbed from the kinabalu park which is around 2 hours drive from Kota kinabalu and I went with Tejas to recieve them. They said the Orchids and other flora in that place is out of the world. I wonder if I can do the first part of 3300 metres. They said more than climbing the coming down is much more difficult though it is faster . By and large the tourist guide and the tourist agent a lady were very very friendly. She had arranged the guide, staying etc for them in the kinabalu park and also the guides for the rafting . She herself drove them to the park the previous day and next day took me there to bring them back. She told me she was the owner of her tourist/ travel company.
I might return to kinabalu to try the climbing.
Raffelasia is the biggest flower in the universe. Its diameter can grow up to 120 cms. The flower I saw was around 40 cms in diameter. It grows on its own and I was told it can not be 'grown'.
continue to have good fun, bluejagger
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