Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fan syndrome

Well must be wondering reading the title. Well this is to do with the saving of energy!!!!
Well I have experienced that some people are very particular that they should switch off the fan when ever not in use. Good Great savings and Good work. But the syndrome comes into picture when it becomes an obsession and the fan is switched off the moment they get up from bed. It will be normally a hall, where quite a few people (read children) will be sleeping. The Saver will just switch off the fan in spite of so many others still sleeping. May be he or she wants the others also to get the good habit of getting up early.
I never knew that I also had this syndrome till recently. I have this habit of switching off the water heater after taking bath. The switch has been kept outside the bathroom for safety reason. Recently I had a guest at home and assuming that the person has finished taking bath without even thinking consciously I switched off the heater switch , only to find out later that my guest had to have a bath in lukewarm water. I felt very ashamed for my action and I remembered my daughter always telling me not to get worked up about the heater.
That is when it dawned on me that ineed I also have the 'fan syndrome' which I abhor.


vin said...

Tell me about it..

YmawsydnA said...

Tell me abt it as well .. i have witnessed too many fan-syndrome morons. I have lost many hours of sleep due to this, which i am currentl compensating for. good nite.