Friday, October 14, 2005


Banking sector is one sector which saw a boom in the past 30 years now being taken over by the software sector. But Banks have come to play a major role in the day to day life of Indians.
People get into the jobs through entrance exams and it is(or should I say was )considered as one of the good jobs in the Indian scenario.
But once the job is secured they tend to lax as they know that it is not that easy to remove one from service and just take it easy. I have seen in banks the employees consider the customers as nuisance. They forget that the very existance of banks depends on the customer and they are paid only because there are customers. There is no such direct links in India between banks and customers, as India has a vast population, which has no alternative and has to take the services of the very same banks even if the service is poor. So the employees are honestly ignorant that their livelihood is based on the customer.
Next thing is if they get a big account of some govt. institution that is the end of customer(read individual customer) care. Though sorry to mention by name, this can be seen in every branch of SBI from the corners of a little extension counter branch in Pilani institution to a big branch in metropolis like chennai. Of course there are many many exceptions, great employees on whose shoulders the banks stand , but the reward they get is more work and no recognition. Only those employees who can play upto the bosses get all the outstanding confedential reports, which is making the good workers frustrated and they tend to take VRs and many enter the multinational banks.
Now comes my woes about the multinational banks. These banks I am told employ the employees on a yearly contract basis to that they can circumvent the pension benefit etc and also can chuck them out anytime they want.
The customer service you will think will be great looking at the great offices with beautiful furniture and flooring. But all they do is charge big sums even if you go personally to get some work done. You are supposed to call them. And some smart sounding female voice will answer you and if you ask more than few banking related questions she will be floored and will say that she will get back to you.(she will not say when) Try the email to voice your greivences and you will get a computer generated mail saying sorry for the inconvenience and the matter is looked into. This mail keeps coming even after the problem is solved through some other channel viz, risking the charges (250.00, I am told in city bank for taking their time and using their premises) you go personally and some how manage to get your problem solved.
The minimum balance is quite high compared to our poor service national banks, and every now and then you see in your computer screen, some amount is deducted explanation for which I dare not ask. If I go through this loop of phoning, e mailing and personal visit I know I am going to lose some more money. Add to this the conveyance charges if you happen to have your bank which is little far off from the place you live.

Now a days they deduct tax also at source to what ever or who ever thinks it should be done and to write about income tax department one blog is not enough, so it is impossible to get the money back. so we lose money apart from the income tax we pay regularly.
Like one of my friends said who is a retired employee of a nationalized bank, we should just take out all the investment and close the bank accounts and keep the money buried in the back yard earmarking money to be spent every year and digging it up once a year and hope that you dont outlive the money you have buried. That way we won't lose money and also our patience and cool by visiting/calling/e mailing the banks.


vasukumar said...

State bank of india is right in the midst of switching over to core banking solutions and it appears like we are dealing with a bank which is in the throes of a teenage crisis.They can neither have the comfort of a manaual operations and the system is not yet settled down.And it takes enormous time to get the simplest operations.
A fixed deposit receipt is now called fixed depost advice.Now appa wanted that i go there and get the good old receipt.They told me this is the reciept.But it says advice.Why can't they retain the nomenclature when it means the same thing.Did you know to deposit a fixed deposit amount there we had to fill in 6 pages!
But as you said hdfc bank takes the cake in harassing us their unique style.Short of opening a bank ourselves i think there is no choice!

YmawsydnA said...

i am thinking of starting a burial ground for burying peoples money. let me know if you want to bury ur savings with me ... hehehe