Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Winter is slowly setting in here in Desmoines in Iowa. The temperatures are dipping rapidly. We could see some snow flakes flying in the air the other day.
I am able to appreciate the sunny climate more now I suppose. The factor which is called wind chill is always some few degrees less than the actual temperature. This means you can not go for walks even with all the winter clothings. The cold wind will blow on your face and you just can not walk.
Kids look very smart and plumpy with their plump big jackets and cap and gloves and what not. Poor thing we only at home know about their running nose, cough and cold when the weather change sets in and above all their boredom sitting at home in the evenings and the parental problem of how to engage them and make them get some exercise so that they can spend their energy and not behave cranky.
I always used to think I love winter, especially the snowing and the white snow every where pictures I used to love. When I went to Srinagar/Kashmir in summer I told the localites, how I would love to come to Srinagar in winter, they laughed on my face and said ' you won't survive the 10 inch snow and it is not lovely as you imagine' . I took that comment in my stride and few years later when my brother was there on bank inspection duty during winter I wrote to him saying how he must be enjoying the snow fall. Pat came the reply, Yeah when ever outside, I am enjoying as much as a man can without hands, as all the time I have to keep my gloved hands inside the pockets of my coat, otherwise I will be left with frozen fingers.
Jokes apart, actual winter has not yet started here and I have seen the real snowfall in New york in the height of winter, where I ventured with anu to go and see the ruins of 9/11. We just could not stand there for more than 2 minutes to take pictures, even after fully covered from head to toe.

It is human nature I suppose that I will say about the unbearable heat of chennai or even Delhi in the height of summer how unbearable it is.
But I have come to appreciate the sunny interface and see the tv for the temperature outside and if it says anything above 55 F, I put on my shoes and coat and go for my running/walking outside.

1 comment:

YmawsydnA said...

Sure .. me don't deny that I prefer Sunny days at 65-75F any day to below 30. However, if DRESSED properly, u can enjoy winter (definetely not as much as sunny days). Most Indians aren't familiar with dressing right for winter .. seriously ... a big eskimo coat bought from singapore would not suffice ... it would make u heavy and panting down 5th street.
Anyways, A few things u can do to enjoy winter include the famous Andy's Ss: Ski, Snow board, Skate, Start reading, Smoke, Sex, Stop Whining ...
oh btw, It was quite chill up Mt. Blanc ...